Welsummer vs Cream Legbar Chick Color


5 Years
Jan 4, 2015
Kensington, mn
So in my first hatch I got cream legbars and welsummers. I knew ahead of time that they looked similar as chicks, but didn't think much about it. That was until I hatched out only one female legbar and a bunch of males yesterday. Today I have had two legbars hatch and many welsummers. So now I have a particular interest in telling the welsummers from the legbars. I have tried researching this but it seems that nobody has been dumb enough to do this lol. The best I can tell is that the striping on the back is different from the pictures I have seen. The welsummers seems more yellow whereas the legbar seems lighter like the rest of its down. Anybody with some insight or am I just stuc until they feather out?
I guess nobody knows lol. I'll try to take pics because the more I look at them the more I believe the striping is different.

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