Moving my Cochin hen and her eggs

Hiii have hens they mate with cock but when i hatched eggs the chicks were not came out even after24 days and eggs have nothing inside like clot

The eggs should be dark by 22 days and show evidence of life. It sounds like the eggs are not fertile (or died early) if chicks are not growing by now.
Which two are you thinking are Roos? I'm curious. We have no experience in telling!
The bottom photo, the one right in front, the stance and width of comb, if a rooster it will turn pink in a few weeks, and the one furthest to the left, the width of comb on that one makes me think it could be a rooster. Just going off of looks and guesses, photos sometimes throw me though. A few more weeks it should start becoming apparent.
A few years ago i hatched out some cochin silkie mixes, the first photo was about 2-3 months, the second was him closer to a year of age. In case you were wondering what they might look like.
Beautiful boy! I love watching them grow and finding out what they'll look like. 2 out of four isn't too bad. My friend hatched 4 and all of them were cockerels! Hoping we don't have the same luck.

I saw online that you can supposidly turn your chicks upside down - if their feet stay tucked to their body they're a hen. If they extend them they're a rooster. Ever heard of this before?
I've heard of it but haven't tried it. I tend to follow my gut, boys start acting and looking like boys long before any sure signs show up. Another one says to make a loud noise, the hens should duck and the roosters will stand upright. It is definitely fun waiting to see how they will turn out.

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