My favorite is prolly a roo


7 Years
Jun 30, 2015
East TN
6 1/2 week old Araucana chick was bought at the local CoOp as a pullet along with 3 others. This chick has a great personality and has become a bit of a favorite of mine. I am no expert but I am pretty sure that by how different it looks from the others that a roo got into the mix :( I will keep him if he is as long as he is nice to the hens but I really wanted all hens.

I'm iffy. It could be a cockerel. I can't tell if it's single row or triple row from the angle, but the comb is pretty pink and raised for being only 6 1/2wks so it makes me lean toward cockerel. I can't see the rear feathers well enough to see if they're pointed or rounded.

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