Trap nests anyone ever seen plans for THIS one?

Think of a hen that accidentally gets into box..... Does not have an egg.... cant escape at this point. It is a novelty that sounds COOL but not practical in my opinion.

no different than any trap nest in that regard. If you are using trap nests you have to check them often. This is probably the dog breeder in me but if I am going to hatch out eggs from my girls I want to know whose egg is whose so my choice will be trap nests or crate each hen til she lays each day (PIA)
Of all the trap nest styles I have seen like this one best

But I also plan to place hens (or simply never hatch their eggs) that do not fit the criteria I have for the breed _ ie the Cream Legbars I don't intend to reproduce (hatch chicks from or sell hatching eggs from) the hens who do not lay a large blue egg or have bouffant crests
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