Questions about my Easter Egger


7 Years
Jan 16, 2014
I recently received 8 chicks,all different breeds from a mail order. They are now 3.5 weeks old. One is an Easter Egger and she is the slowest to develop.I know all breeds develop differently and have different features. But I'm starting to wonder whether she really is a she for some reason. She is also the most shy out of all chicks. Also has a ton of toes! I am new to this...I've included a few photos..I appreciate any insight!



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Now, don't take this as gospel, since photos are not reliable indicators of color. But the comb appear more pink than pale yellowish. It may be a cockerel. They do tend to lag on tail and wing development.

Watch the comb. It will turn more red each week if it's a male. Compare to the other pullets. If the comb is as pale yellow as the others, then it's a pullet.
So sorry I'm just now seeing everyone's reply! I got her from My Pet Chicken. Was supposed to be an Easter Egger. If it's a salmon faverolle that is just fine :) Week 5 and "she" is still the slowest to develop. All other chicks are mostly feathers and bits of fuzz. She's half and half, feathers slowly coming in. Also still the least social and just started perching. It's so hard to tell with the combs as I have 7 other chicks all different breeds. Everyone's combs seem to be a bit different.
I did click the no substitutions box when ordering. Mainly because I red into the breeds and choose for specific reasons. I chose the Easter eggs because I love the fluffy face... but I'm happy with the chicks cute little face no matter what breed! Also choose a barred rock (my favorite chick), red star, silver laced Wyandotte, speckled Sussex, white crested polish bantam, white silkie bantam and buff orphington.

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