building my hen house :) I'm excited !

Are you intending to add a "poop board"? I learned about it after Hubby built my Run/Coop so we had to improvise, there's threads on this site about it. I do recommend it, saves a lot of time with cleaning....I just scoop their poop daily, sprinkle PDZ & DE, I'm done. Living in Hawaii I'm able to get away with this "design" in Run/Coop, the dog house is their nest box. They come & go during the day, roost at night above the dog house, the poop board under it works out great. Hubby made the board removable (for cleaning) but I'm lazy so I put a liner in it. Dust pan with scraper for pick up & weekly I remove the liner to scrub out. This pix is of it when we first completed the Run/Coop.


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