Breed on this 10 day old?

Looks about identical to my New Australorps
This is what I mean about photos. The first pic one could see it's perhaps white feet with pink showing through. Second pic looks yellow feet. Things like this are up to the person with the chick to decide what color it is. Bottom of feet is your best place to look. Australorp do not have yellow skin. This isn't to say an Australorp was sold from hatchery with yellow skin but if that's the case it is no longer an Australorp it is a mixed breed. It doesn't matter what it was sold as just as it doesn't matter what parentage of a bird is. If the bird meets all criteria of it's breed then it's that breed. If it looks like a duck ad quacks like a duck sort of thing. But if a duck raises a swan it's an ugly duckling but not a duck.
The skin color will change to all black with time. My Australorp started with black legs and yellow feet. This is my bird a few days after birth. Now her legs and feet are completely black. You have an Australorp chick there.
Your all black leg and foot Australorp, as they are meant to be when older will have white, plain as day white, on the bottom of feet.
The chicken in question was originally supposed to be a Buff Orpington in an order of 5 sexed chicks from MPC. I assume they had a hatching issue with the BO chicks on that date as this mystery gal showed up although the box still indicated a BO. The rest of the chicks were easy enough to identify-Delaware, Cochin, RIR, and Dominique.

My assumption is that when ordering hatchery chicks is that while they will be that breed, they will not be show quality or be ideal representatives of the breed standard. Is that a fair assumption? MPC does not offer black sex links. I don't care what she ends up being as long as she lays well and can tolerate the hot summers and cold winters here in the Midwest. That said, I'll still upload pics later. Reading everyone's guesses and commentary is both enjoyable and educational for me.
Well, here she is at 19 days old. Had a hard time with her comb as she wasn't too cooperative


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