Langshan or Sumatra?


May 2, 2015
I don't know if this chick is a Langshan or Sumatra. They were all supposed to be Langshans but he wasn't paying much attention when I got them. Out of seven chicks, two are for sure Sumatras and four are for sure Langshans. There is only one I am not sure about. It has yellow legs like a Sumatra, black shanks like both breeds, and feathered legs like a Langshan. I don't know what the comb is yet.


Cant see the comb well but the feathered legs would mean Langshan, it should also have a single comb.
Sumatra chickens are clean legged and pea comb.
Where did you get them from?
The shank/ feet color is incorrect for both Black Langshan and Black Sumatra.

The chick could be a Splash and that would account for the yellow shank/ feet.
I got them from Richard Peters in Oklahoma. He wasn't paying attention to what breeds he gave me when he put them in the box. I have two 3 week old Sumatras and four 3-4 week old Langshans. The Langshans all have feathered legs and white skin, and the Sumatras have yellow skin with no feathers on their legs. The skin color is confusing me. The chick does have black shanks like it is supposed to.
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