6-7 weeks old Buff Orpington...Hen or Roo?

Beautiful BO cockerel!
Hope he stays sweet for you!
I have 6 BO pullets in my flock and I adore them!
Also have a White Leghorn cockerel named Rocky (he was supped to be a pullet like his 5 sisters).Whoops!
His comb and wattles are huge and red at 8 weeks old and he's trying to crow. It's cute! He's very tall as well and his saddle feathers are starting to come in.
I hope HE stays sweet for me! Say a prayer please!
So the guessing ended this morning. My Sunny Boy found his voice and crowed a couple of times this morning!!! Very loudly too I might add. LOL.. Now hoping the neighbors don't mind him staying around. ;) Thanks everyone for all the help and compliments!

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