Baby Chick Help


Apr 30, 2016
I have just recently hatched by baby chick. He is A Silkie. It imprinted on me so now it thinks I'm its mother. He is 2 days old and he is running around chirping. He wants me to hold him because as soon as he's in my hands he sleeps. Then 10 seconds later he'll wake up because he cold. So what I'm asking is how do I keep him warm in my hands.

does he have any chicky friends? They might help.
He needs to stay in the brooder with a heat lamp so he doesn't chill. You can get him a couple buddies the same age if possible or give him a stuffed animal to cuddle with. Also if you have a small mirror he will look and think there is another chick with him.

It's best that he stays in the brooder. He may be running around because he is too cold. Newly hatched, the heat should be 95 degrees under the lamp at floor level. Silkies are bantams so may need it a couple degrees higher. Make sure he is eating & drinking. A mama hen would tap on the feed container to show him food, and do likewise with the water. You can tap on them with your finger. If he doesn't get the idea, gently dip his beak in the water to show him.

Sometimes only chicks, prefer to have a smaller box for security. You would have that inside the brooder - maybe a shoe box with one end cut open. Do check that the heat lamp is placed at one end of the brooder - so if he is too hot he can move to the other side.

Has he been eating, drinking , pooping yet. If he can't handle the chick starter it may need to be ground down finer, and you can dampen it a bit.

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