What Colour/Gender Are These?


9 Years
Dec 12, 2014
Pacific Northwest
Sorry I couldn't specify what they are in the title, I wanted it short and sweet :3 These are my new Button Quail I obtained today from a guy who needed the space for chickens. He didn't know genders well, he thought there was 2 males and I already see at least 4 males. I want to keep 2 pairs and I want to get cool coloured babies! Thanks in Advance!

(ONE)I have Four birds that look like this, I assume either silver or Red/Cinnamon Breasted Silver Males? They're silver with the double white throat bands and pinkish/salmonish chests and under their tail nubs.

(TWO) Looks same as the ones above but only has one Thick throat band? I presume also a boy but I can be hopeful XD She/He has a different face so I thought maybe it could be a girl but probably just a broken boy Lol

(THREE) This fella is a Tuxedo so it could be a girl but I think it has Male colouration. I think it is a Red Breasted something, there are SO MANY types of "Red Breasted" so I thought I'd get an opinion.

(FOUR) I can't remember what we thought she was going to be, but I am almost certain she is a SHE, so any idea what colour she is or could be? (Sorry she is missing feathers on her back and head, she was overbred since the person we bought from had too many males in with the girls)

(FIVE) I was told the little crossbeak bird in these blurry images was a baby of some of them that they hatched. She is a bit thin and has lost a TON of feathers from the assumed over breeding. She is a solid silver but is pretty dark. No white bands and I dont think she had the pinkish undertone.

OKAY now, I have 2 of the "silvers with red breasts" with the tuxedo white. That should total about 8 birds? I posted another thread with questions but right now I am curious about colours and what I should not pair together. I heard some colours can produce lethal genes? I want to keep 2 Males and 2 Females, and I want more interesting colours like #4.

Does anyone know genetics of the colours I have? Hwo does Tuxedo pass on? Dominant? Recessive? And what about silver? Red Breasted? Ect.. Thank you!
One - male. Not sure if it's just a regular silver or silver red breasted.
Two - I think male. Does it have pink vent feathers? I think I see a hint of pink on the belly on the pics.
Three - male, it has rust colored feathers in the vent area, visible on the last picture
Four - red breasted female. The 'red breasted' females don't actually have red breasts, only the males get red feathers. The females have this very pretty color with a light body and a dark head. She could have some other mutation as well, not sure about that.
Five - female

The lethal gene is the 'golden pearl' mutation as far as I know. I'm not really good at recognizing that mutation and certainly not in birds that are not wild colored, but I can't see it in your birds.
I'd say 4 and 5 are your only females, so I'd just pick the males you like best and pair with them. Unfortunately I don't know whether the mutations are recessive or dominant.
One - male. Not sure if it's just a regular silver or silver red breasted.
Two - I think male. Does it have pink vent feathers? I think I see a hint of pink on the belly on the pics.
Three - male, it has rust colored feathers in the vent area, visible on the last picture
Four - red breasted female. The 'red breasted' females don't actually have red breasts, only the males get red feathers. The females have this very pretty color with a light body and a dark head. She could have some other mutation as well, not sure about that.
Five - female

The lethal gene is the 'golden pearl' mutation as far as I know. I'm not really good at recognizing that mutation and certainly not in birds that are not wild colored, but I can't see it in your birds.
I'd say 4 and 5 are your only females, so I'd just pick the males you like best and pair with them. Unfortunately I don't know whether the mutations are recessive or dominant.
So on the silvers, if it has that rusty colour on the underside it's a male? I have two tuxedo's with that >.< But thank you so much for your help! :D
Yes, rust red equals male and if it's a silver the rust red is more pink, but it still means it's a male.

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