My new batch arrived unexpectedly yesterday!


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
So this was my first time ordering chicks in the mail. I've bought from local stores and had a hen hatch them before, but this was completely new. I thought I did every thing right though... I called the post office ahead of time to make sure I knew what they typically did with delivering chicks, and even tracked their shipment online. They shipped Monday. The tracking system said they would deliver Thursday! However, the tracking system was not staying up to date. I checked it all day Tuesday, and finally at around 7 when I was heading home, it said they had been delivered to the garage of the destination around 4. I thought this was ridiculous that they would make it all the way to my town only to spend the night at the post office. I still had not received a call saying to pick them up in any of this time. I even checked the front porch where the PO usually leaves packages... nothing. At 10 last night I somehow managed to look up on top of a cabinet beside the back door and found my box of chicks. They were completely quiet, so of course I was worried about how many were still alive. Luckily they are apparently stronger than I thought. But what if I hadn't found them last night!?
Anyways, they quickly warmed up and started eating and drinking in their brooder. I even have 1 extra chick than what I ordered. So here they are, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Welsummers, and 2 Rhode Island Reds. I'm happy that the 1 extra is an EE (my favorite breed) but also prepared that there's a chance it's a boy because I seem to remember reading somewhere that hatcheries usually toss in a male as the extra chick for warmth.I keep telling myself that I'm going to just enjoy watching them grow and see what they turn out to be, but I keep checking for signs of what sex and color they will be. Any tips on how to get them used to people? All of my others get to be untouchable in the end, even though they're all spoiled with treats. With these chicks, they spook as soon as anyone appears by the brooder.

The 3 EEs are in the back. They all have puffy cheeks, so that's why I assumed my extra chick was an EE. The 2 Welsummers (Lacie and Lena so far) are in the front and the 2 RIR (Rustie and Randie) and kinda in the middle. No names for the EEs yet. I want to see what colors they may end up being first. I'm hoping for at least 1 white and black pattern, but the white chick has a bluish/gray tint on its head.

Here's a good pic of the 2 Welsummers. I've read that they can sometimes be sexed by the "V" on their head. The one on the right side doesn't have as definite of a "V" as the one of the left.
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I am still learning about chickens and their care until I can get my own flock started. From all of the material I have read, the general consensus seems to be that if you handle your chicks as much as possible in the early days, they will tame down easier. Apparently there is an imprint period where you can have your chicks imprint on you. Any later and they will always be skittish. Good luck.
I'm glad they all made it okay. :) That must've been nerve racking for you. I would have been a mess! I was worried about the truck ride home for my new babies last night and and that was only an hr but it's cold up here.

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