Frizzle Cochin Chicks?


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2016
Purchased these little ones (in the forground, rear are french marans)
As "frizzle bantam chicks however they are just over 2 weeks old and don't look frizzle to me but I'm new to frizzles. With they become frizzle as they feather? Opinions please

They aren't frizzled. Proper frizzle breeding only yields 50% frizzles so it's possible they were from frizzled stock and you just got really unlucky and ended up with all chicks that didn't get the gene.
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Thanks that's what I thought :(. But 4 sweet black cochins just the same.
Out of curiosity how early do you see frizzle features. . It's a day or two correct?
Ok thanks. 3 out of 4 have gotten so spiked and fuzzy as they get their feathers I figured it was just them growing but.... :)

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