Feather picking

Pinless Peepers - Groucho glasses for chickens! What will they think of next? Thanks for the info.
We are working to eliminate excessive hen pecking, have expanded the size of the henyard, added protein to the diet, and are using bluecoat stuff and Hotpick on the pickees. Time will tell, will try the Pinless Peepers if necessary.
I am learning a lot from Backyard Chickens, there is a wealth of information out there. Thanks again!
I purchased pinless peepers, now how to determine who to put them on.

I have caught one hen who is picking feathers pretty consistantly, but alot of my girls have bald backs and one has a bald breast and neck.
I can't believe one hen is doing all of that.

Do I take a shotgun approach and put them on all the girls who have full feathering, assuming they are the pickers? Or do I put peepers on all the ones missing feathers and assume they are the bad habit girls?

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