Can you tell me what type of chickens I have ??


May 18, 2016
I was given 6 baby chicks a week ago, they are now 2 weeks old.

I have 4 black, black with white.

2 are pure yellow or maybe white ? I would say yellow but every day they llok more white. One is growing a ridge along the top of its beak.

Some have dark legs some don't

The person who gave them to me doesn't know what they are. They were given the eggs. Large brown eggs.



I'm thinking it's quite likely you have classic Barnyard Mix chicks. After they're feathered in it may be possible to hazard some guesses as to parentage.
I will take a couple better photos.

Is there any way to guess the gender at this point?

We can't have roosters in our town, hens only. The kids already named all the birds so this could be interesting.

If I can't guess the gender now, about how long till they feather out enough to tell what I got?

Thanks for helping!
You can usually tell gender by 6 weeks. As they grow you'll probably get a "roo-vibe" from certain birds. They'll get a larger comb and wattles sooner, and they'll get more pink/red color. Their legs are usually thicker, they stand more upright, and they're often bolder than the pullets (lots of folks interpret the boldness as friendliness). The can be slower to feather out than pullets also.

Around 6 weeks is usually when they're feathered out also. I know it's a waiting game, but enjoy them until then. Be letting the kiddos know some may not be able to stay so they get used to the idea now. Kids are resilient and will get over having to get rid of a bird easier than you'd think.
thanks for the info.

we are enjoying the chicks right now. playing with the kids in the house and outside.

will post up some pics once they get bigger and feather out.


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