

Mar 30, 2016

I think I'm going to have to go with my gut instinct on this and realize I have a rooster, or two!

The one in question in this photo is the one on the left. They're the same breed and same age, about 7 weeks. For starters the suspect in question has a much bigger and redder comb than the other. He/she also walks around puffed up most of the time and chest bumps the other chick pictured. Just before I took this picture he/she charged and aggressively pecked my poor, sweet German Shepard. Lol. (I know, not funny but her face was priceless) I also have an Austrolorp in question whom also has a much bigger, redder comb and same build; but much much better behaved!!
I think I'm going to have to come out of denial, call a spade a spade and realize that I indeed have a rooster on my hands. Any thoughts?!
We will need nice, clear photos that show each bird in a natural, standing position in side profile so that the entire bird (tip to toes) can be seen. These photos are best taken in natural lighting so that color of the comb/wattles and the color of the plumage is not distorted.
Agreed. But, even from that picture, the comb on the bird that's on the bottom is very obvious. It looks to me like you have a pair, but better shots would help a lot.

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