Joe's Milk Truck Pizza recipe


Sep 25, 2015
Void where prohibited.
Joe's Milk Truck Pizza Recipe
Go online, and find a good pizza dough recipe. Follow directions.
While dough is rising, prepare your ingredients.
Maybe watch a video on youtube about pizza forming while you wait.
Turn dough onto cutting board and try forming it like the guy in the video you watched.
Form dough into a perfect pizza crust shape. Get distracted for 10 minutes while dough continues to rise and get stickier.
Return to pizza crust, and smear with your homemade sauce, then add all your ingredients, and top with cheese.
Grease pizza pan, and then realize you topped your pizza while it was still on the cutting board.
Try sliding pizza off cutting board onto pan.
You will now notice the pizza won't slide being as it is stuck to the cutting board.
Attempt to slide it off using two spatulas. Watch as the pizza stretches and takes on a non-pizza shape.
Give up on that, and try using a piece of card board. When that fails, make it slide anyways.
When you have the completely misshapen pizza in the pan, say (what your Mom says when she drops the noodles), it's now going to be a huge Calazone. Make every attempt to roll it up while it tears and falls apart.
Now, get really mad at it, and pound your fist into that son of a gun.
Smoosh the whole mess around, pound it again, and form into a flat round circle.
Bake in oven, and remove. Be amazed as your friends proclaim:
Holy Moley!, that thing looks like it was hit by milk truck!
Next week, flying Cherry pie.

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