Dead buff and sick one


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 20, 2014
I am going to try to post pictures, but I had a dead buff this week. I'm pretty sure I have another dying. I thought she was broody, but she just won't stay out of the laying box. I got her out and she stayed all puffed up and could hardly stand. She has a strange look on her face. I have other problems I need help with. I have a bald butt, bald front of the neck, couple bald backs on my Americaunas-no one likes the 2 I have and always peck them-, and I have a Rhode Island that is staying all puffed up and is thin. Can I post more than one pic from my phone?
Your buff hen looks broody to me. Sometimes when I kick one out of the nesting box they just sit on the ground where I put them.

Have you checked them over for mites and lice? An overload can kill birds, and could be the reason why one is underweight.

Next, how much room do they have and what do you feed them? It looks like you have at least one feather picker. Feather picking can result from overcrowding, boredom, or a diet low in protein.

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