Cosmopolitan Rednecks And The Neighborhood Chickens

The more I hung out with Jeanie and her babes, the more I taken by how gentle and attentive a chicken can be. Ya ever seen a hen walk when her couple day old chicks are around? She wouldn't stand right up...more of a soldier crawl scoot walk, chicken style. I had her nest and a few feet fenced off in the barn so the twins wouldn't drive her insane or hurt the chicks. About 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. Plenty of head room too but you wouldn't have known it by watching her kind of scoot walk so as not to accidently step on a babe she didn't see. Not that she was hefty, but in comparison to newborns that hardly weighed in at more than 2 cotton balls...I imagine getting stepped on would've not been pleasant.

All her tender care kind off went out the door when she insisted on a dusting. Babes all around her...well...they got their 1st dust bath without trying. Shoot, you can barely see the fluff balls

Take a notice on the size of these chicks here on the branch I layed up against the twins old baby brooder and right next to still amazes me how fast these chicks grow! Why, you have to squint to even see them

They're about twice the size already, here. Look at them chow down like a bunch of piranhas!

Now look at them! They took to perching way earlier than our 1st bunch, too. I'd dare say close to 2 weeks earlier. Mama Jeanie taught them good! They look like little chicken hawks don't they?

In honesty, I got to say that when the wifey swayed my vote to cream legbars, the first thing come to mind when she showed me pictures on the interweb, was
"WOW...wierd. I don't think I like them with that look" but when their little wacky hairdos started to come out, I got to say, it grows on ya!

So glad the twin old brooder come to still useful. The babes loved hanging out in, on and around it

Jeanie'd get outside the coop time but I was a little hesitant about the babes going out with her. How they watch her from the coop...!

This little one kept trying to get out by going under that step it had a magical porthole..! The look on his could see the confusion when he'd come out...tsk poor thing. Tiny little duh birdie

I tell ya...they grow too fast... Just look at this monster!

OK so we gave the 3 cockerels and 2 pullets to a friend of ours that lives around the ways here. All good, good people, good chicken people. So we got our 2 little chickies. Boo and Poppin. Poppin was the only one that got names from day one because she was the first to pop haha to the world. Boo's got the bigger hair up front. This picture was on cinco de mayo..and No.
no alcoholic beverages were given to underaged chicks at anytime

Jeanie begging for peanuts. She'd give both her chicks for peanuts

Look at how tiny Boo was!

Jeanie by the kiddie pool, see the itty bitty in the back by the fence post?

Heck I didn't even see this mini peeper in the palm fronds till I almost stepped on her

Poppin looks up and discovers shes alone!
Everyone in the yard, enjoying the outside sun and breeze...before the hot and humid BLAHCH of South Tampa hits us! We're all set, though. Our little mini barn is powered and has box fans ready to keep things cool. Water is set everywhere, Kiddie pool is filled to the brim and has big ol flat stone set in it on the back side so no body can get drowned. Keep telling my wife I'm sure chickens can float but...I suppose better safe than sorry. I'm just hoping that having the kiddie pool set up and dipping Jeanie in it once or twice a day trains her that THAT's where you can stand in water to cool your feet...not the water bowls like she does.

Boo and her big Texas hair a perchin like a big girl way up on the yard chair

The twins

Poppin doing her "hokey poke"y dance moves

Jeanie, A.K.A. Chickzilla if you ask the twins

OK for some reason, Poppin who happens to be the scaredy cat of the whole group goes to my beloved like they're long lost friends...and I'm the one feeds and cleans and waters and ...yea I'm a little might maybe jealous!

Isn't she pretty! Kinda like a cross between a grouse and a sparrow...toss in some robin for color and top off with Einstein

Got some side shots of Boo, Scarlet and Poppin...all in a row in like...under a minute! What are the chances?


Twins hanging out by the gate wanting to go for a field trip

BOO the beautiful

Uh...need a comb, Boo? Your hairs a mess!

Say that to my face human!

Seriously...I love the bouffant hair! It's crazy!
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