Duckling nose blockage? EMERGENCY!

It is the same duck- but it hatched on Sunday. The other duck that hatched at the same time as him is active and already double his size. What causes a chicks nose to bleed because I don't know what to do.. P_P
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Technically, he does not need to be eating just yet as he's still getting yolk nourishment. I'm not sure that his nose is say he makes gurgling sounds. I wonder if little buddy didn't aspirate fluid while hatching and the leakage you see is him UNBLOCKING what he took IN. Could account for the gurgle sound as well. My vote would be to keep a close eye and keep stress to a minimum so only force feeding/watering if absolutely necessary. Just my two cents.
Side note, providing warm warm for him to dunk his bill in would help him loosen any dried/caked goo that could be blocking the nares. If he doesn't dunk, gently dunk his bill a couple times till he gets the hang of it. Good luck! Keep us posted
Thanks for all the advice. I took him to a breeder to see what was wrong with him and he said he likely was not developed enough in the egg when he hatched- they hatched a week early. I don't know how he got out of the shell because I didn't help him at all, though. He, died last night. I don't know what happened- I've been feeding him and watering him every few hours for the last week and last night I heard some weird chirps and he was on his back struggling. I wrapped him a towel and put him closer to the heat lamp and he just passed on.

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