Jaw trouble


In the Brooder
May 25, 2016


This little girl is about two months old and I haven't had any troubled with her until today when I notice her beak was not closing properly shown above in the second picture. She is eating drinking cleaning and acting her normal self I was just wondering if this is something to be concerned about or if this has happened to anyone else. Suggestions welcome!
Is ther anything inside her beak keeping it from closing, or does she have a cross beak? Cross beak or scissors beak chicks will usually get worse as they grow. It can be hereditary or from a vitamin or mineral deficiency in the parents. Many people try to help them live a normal life by using a deep bowl for feeding, and adding water to the feed to make it wet. Sometimes the beak can be trimmed with dog nail clippers or ground down with a dremel tool to help the beak fit together better. Do a search at the top of the page or Google " cross beak chicken," and look for posts by BYC and TheChickenChick.com
Thank you so much I'm pretty sure she is crossed beaked their was a lot of helpful info when I searched it!!!! Now I can help my poor girl.

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