Americauna Hen or Roo


May 25, 2016
This little baby is 8 weeks old today. We purchased it from a feed store and were told we had a 1 in 10 chance of getting a Roo. I believe it's going through a tail moult as it doesn't have a lot of bulk, mostly down, on the backside. Hen or Roo?


Maybe 3 rows, now real sure how you tell. She/he doesn't have the long neck feathers. The longer tail feathers are definitely pointed and curl a bit but the other saddle area feathers that remain are rounded.

Maybe 3 rows, now real sure how you tell. She/he doesn't have the long neck feathers. The longer tail feathers are definitely pointed and curl a bit but the other saddle area feathers that remain are rounded.

The redness of the comb makes me think Cockerel & the tail is held erect but it must be wishful thinking it to be a Pullet. Not long neck feathers but slender feather & on it's back towards the tail it would be flowing like a cascade, not sure how to explain it. See how much 'redder' the comb is compared to the others, that would say Cockerel. Hopefully if it does turn out to be a Roo, you're able to keep it, such a pretty colored bird!
I believe it is a pea comb, however, I don't believe it to be a purebred Ameracauna after looking at the official colors. As a chick, it looked exactly like a large breed silver, but the coloring doesn't match a full grown bird. I'm sad, Daphne is a favorite. Our other three babies are golden sex links, so they are maturing a bit differently. It's the pointy, shiny tail feathers and the big, red comb that made me question it. Unfortunately, we live in a neighborhood that doesn't allow roosters, so hopefully we can find a good home if it becomes necessary. So sad.
He isn't an Ameraucana, he's an Easter Egger. Only a couple of hatcheries have true Ameraucanas, and they are much more expensive than the more common hatchery EE.

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