Hola from Richardson, TX


In the Brooder
May 26, 2016
I'm new to BYC and had my hens for a year now- we have a salmon favorolle, barred rock, 2 americaunas. I just purchased a black australorp, buff orpington, and a polish hen. All's well now but I just trapped an opossum that had taken one of my americaunas- tis the season for opossum! curious though, I read through the Richardson guidelines for chicken keeping and just realized it says nothing about roosters just that if the neighbors complain about noise then its a problem and cleanliness of course. So I found a handsome Brahma that I'm picking up tonight, I love roosters! Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone else out here has roosters? I found a "no-crow" collar but honestly I think it seems kinda cruel

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