New to this! Please help identity gender!!!


5 Years
May 26, 2016
I purchased 4 chicks, thinking they were hens, before knowing that straight run meant not sexed. In the past two weeks or so, I've learned a lot through this site and many books, and I am now starting to wonder if I have all roosters.

I have two Barred Plymouth Rock and two Rhode Island Red (the bigger one was that way when we purchased, I thought perhaps left over from previous ones and is older?)







That much comb this young, most likely all cockerels. I'd wait another couple weeks and you should be able to tell for sure.
What should I be looking for, specifically, in the next couple of weeks to identify their sex?

I did notice one of the black ones trying to crow the other day, its mouth made the motions but no sound came out. It was odd!

We aren't allowed roosters where I live which is why I'm trying to figure this out sooner rather than later.
I'm not 100% positive that they are 6 weeks, but I got them 3 weeks ago and thought they were 3 weeks old at the feed store. They are mostly feathered, but are just now getting head feathers.
Maybe someone can help me too. This is supposed to be a White Rock pullet. (S)he's now a bit over 4 weeks. First, seems like this chick is growing so fast! OK, I do have her in with bantams, I'll admit. But is there any chance she jumped the fence? I don't have a Cornish x do I? And of course, gender. If it's indeed a White Rock pullet I'm keeping her - please just don't tell the hubby! I'm supposed to be cutting down on the flock


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