Little Red Mutts - What do you think?


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2016
So I traded my White Silkie Roo for some small hens. The woman I traded with didn't know what exact breeds they were, just that they were 'mutts'.

They are pretty small, about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of my 4mo Cochin, and are apparently a week younger than her, too. They are pretty identical, but one is slightly larger and has some black accents on her neck feathers and beak.

My guesses are part Ameraucana due to the small muffs they have, as well as Old English Game because of overall size, and shape. I think they have something else too, because they have slightly feathered feet/legs. o:

It was a bit harder to take pictures because they're a lot more wild and liked to hide under the coop/hutch.I'll try to get better pictures later.

Also just because my Cochin is so cute, here's another picture of her.

What do you guys think?
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Based on the feathered legs, beards, and small size, they could have some D'Uccle in them.

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