Wing sexing

Orpington Mamma

In the Brooder
May 24, 2015
Does anyone wing sex their chicks? I have 2 chicks that are 3 days old.
They are from a buff Orpington hen and a blue Orpington Roo.
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I've always been told wing sexing has to be done day 1 - before any growth. That being said, I've never really bothered since I keep straight run chicks until at least week 10 regardless so I can pick-and-choose for breeding programs so I can get an idea of form and feathering.
Wing sexing only works if they are bred to be wing sexed - a fast feathering breed has to be crossed with a slow feathering breed. You will have to wait until the chicks are 6-8 weeks then they will start to show signs of being a cockerel or not.

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