One of these is not like the others...roo or hen?


Jun 3, 2016

I have three beautiful 3 week old Buff Orpington chicks that I purchased through our local feed store at just a few days old (Parsley, Sage and Rosemary or RoseMARK). All has been well until I noticed that one of them wasn't losing the baby fluff like the others OR getting the tail feathers like the other two. I didn't think too much of it until I started noticing his/her comb growing with a light pink/red tint. At that point, I started to watch his/her behavior and have noticed:

*He/She is much more friendly and curious than the others and will be the first to explore new things. He/she was the first one to jump on me AND up onto my shoulder!
*Tends to almost stand up straight when investigating something while the others don't and really tend follow him/her. He/she will even RUN around the yard, and I mean run fast! I've never seen the others do that.
*Feet and legs look bigger/thicker than the other two.

I know you don't really know for sure until they are older, but I need to have a game plan just in case he/she is a roo as I am limited to only three chickens and NO roosters in my community.

What are your thoughts...roo or hen? And, have you had luck finding a new home for a rooster?

Thank you for your input! This is my first time raising chicks and I LOVE it so far, just a little disappointed that I may have a little rooster on my hands!

-New chicken mama

Here is Rosemary who I think is "RoseMARK" at three weeks old:

Rosemary (or RoseMark) is the one in the middle at just a week and a half old - notice his/her lack of feathers on the wings (his secondary wings?) and tail.

It looks like a rooster! But you never know i have a australorp hen we didn't now what it was until she layed an egg! Still looks and acts like a rooster! :)

The wonderful day when i saw her sitting on the nest LOL

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