Gape worm or respiratory problems? *update* AND impacted crop?

They sometimes do eat quite a bit and look like that.
Have you given them any treats?
If you have any chick grit you can offer that free choice just in case she has eaten any bedding.

Ideally the best way to check to see if her crop is emptying properly is to check her crop, remove the food for several hours and then check her crop again, if it is empty or has gone down quite a bit, then it is functioning properly.

Is she still wheezing?
I would remove the wood shaving and just put them on newspaper for a couple of days to see if it improves. I had an 11 week old that used to sound like it was having an asthma attack when I used wood shavings round it. It never overly bothered the others but that one was always susceptible to dusty situations. Eventually at around two it died of a respitory infection that none of the others caught.

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