HELP...Are these worms?

[COLOR=333333]Hello there and welcome to BYC! [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]:frow [/COLOR]

No those are not worms but could possibly be caused by a protazoa called Coccidiosis. They live in the intestinal tract and ulcerate it enough to kill the bird. The signs are blood in the poop. I would get this bird on some Corid or something with Amprolium as soon as possible. Death comes fast when you see blood. The green is caused from not eating or drinking enough and bile is flooding the intestinal tract.

And definitely post in our Emergency section for more help as well. 

Good luck with your bird and I hope you can get them back to good health soon! :)

Hi and welcome to BYC I am glad you could join us. I agree as well with TwoCrows
I decided not to treat with Corid. The stool that I saw was the very first day the chickens were let out of the brooder and free range. I noticed they were all eating a local weed that is used for treating stinging nettle. Since none of the chickens seemed lethargic I thought they may use instinct to find the right plant. One week later they are all thriving and loving the outdoor life. I saw one more poo with just one of the red things in it. So whatever it was seems to be going away.

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