2 month old paint silkie

Splash can vary a lot. This one is my darkest:

My lightest:

Yours looks like its on a darker blue base, with some splashing on top. Breed it to a blue, if its splash, you'll only get blue and splash chicks. If its blue, which I doubt, you'll get blue, black and splash. I have a Sizzle pullet that I think is a super dark splash, she doesn't really look like yours, but might give you some idea of how they can vary.
These aren't the best pictures, I thought I had better ones :/

On the right:

On the right again:

She's a light blue base, and its hard to see, but she's got some darker black flecks on her feathers.
I also found this guy, I'm not sure if he's splash or had something else going one, but my best guess for him was splash. I didn't keep him to find out (wish I had).


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