Pullet or cockerel?


Apr 17, 2016
Going crazy trying to figure this out still. I have a home waiting if it's a cockerel, and I think it's a cockerel, but no one can agree on this one. It's an ameraucana X maran cross, and is 10 weeks old. It does have a single row peacomb (though hard to tell in the photos). Most people say pullet but some say the comb is too red. Some people say there are saddle feathers, but I don't know what I'm looking at. Someone said the colour wasn't uniform enough to be a pullet, but it's not as blotchy as the sister is. He/she was the biggest of the three I got (one of which is definitely a rooster), and it does have big feet.. but no crowing (yet). I'm going nuts lol...


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