Finished the Coop


May 8, 2016
Alberta, Canada
I finally finished my coop after a week of hard work and a few injuries! It's not the most beautiful, but it's secure and sturdy. We made it so it can be a small stationary coop and run, or a 4 season duck tractor. I have six ducks, this should hold up to 8. :)

You can see on the sides there is 1/2" hardware cloth with a board outside of it on the bottom. The top is 2" chicken wire that was free from a friend. The door is made of plywood and double latched with latches that use a pin.

Here you can see the front top half of the fence is double layered chicken wire, and then hardware cloth along the bottom. Also there's a ramp that works as a ramp/coop door to shut the ducks inside, and there's a shelf for food, bedding, grit, and anything else needed.
I'm really really excited- and relieved- that my ducks are FINALLY outside now! :D

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