Good to breed?


8 Years
Feb 6, 2013
Here is my SL cochin bantam.

Someone told me her lacing was not complete but I could still breed her.
Of course you can breed her. You can breed any bird. The quality of the offspring is only going to be as good as the parents, though.

Profile pics of your birds without the wire would be best for evaluating their conformation. But I can say the hen has a LOT of smut (that dark color in her white), and that's not going to be easy to breed out. And yes, her lacing is incomplete.

so, if you just want cute backyard fluffballs, you're good to go. If you want show quality or SOP birds, I'd start with better quality.
Yep, smut is a term for dark color where there should be white or light color.

Your hen should have pure light color in the center of each and every feather, with a full even edge of black all the way around. She's got a lot of dark color in the center of the feathers, that's the smut. She also doesn't have the black going all the way around in a nice even edge, that's incomplete lacing.

Her body type doesn't look bad from what I can see.

I still can't get a good idea of the rooster from the pics. He doesn't look bad from what I can see. I'm not that familiar with how many points on the comb, etc they should have. I'm just going by color and body type.

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