After the egg is hatched


Jun 28, 2016
My chicken just hatched an egg, but i don't know what to do now. Should I take it away from her and put it in a brooder or should i let her keep it with the flock. Thanks in advance.
Just let her keep her baby, the only issue would be feeding, if your chickens are penned up. If you are feeding laying feed to your older hens maybe the baby chick will need a higher protein feed, so maybe try to separate the hen and her chick and get them both on chick starter mixed with flock raiser.
We have had good luck in the past with just sectioning off a corner of the coop (with chicken wire or something similar) for the mama and babies, so the little ones have constant access to appropriate food and water, then open up the partition as the baby is big enough to hang with everyone. If they're all able to see each other while the baby grows up, they'll likely have a smoother transition when the baby is let loose IMHO!

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