Anyone have any ideas as to gender?


7 Years
Jun 30, 2016
QLD Australia
I know it is most likely too early to tell, however ive heard of some people being experienced enough to have some kind of idea earlier on.

Anyway, these 3 are now about 5wks old & we are just falling more & more in love with them...which is going to suck abit if we have roosters.




1st pic- Black Australorp
2nd/3rd pic (same chick)- Light Sussex
4th pic- Lohmons

This is the info we were given. After doing some research though i am doubting the Light Sussex...none ive come across this far have brown speckles like im now seeing on ours?

I will add, we are very new to chickens, my daughters kindy incubated a heap of eggs from our local hatchery, we adopted these 3. I have done ALOT of reading about all things chicken, but am still learning. I watch their behaviour, so far, none seem dominant, they all sleep together, & so far they all 'chirp'...i have not noticed any other noises. Their combs are all similar size & colour...although the australorps comb is a little 'redder' than the other 2. Their tail feathers are all very similar to each other though.
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No need to be sorry
I kind of figured it still abit early. Im just so anxious about having to possibly rehome any though...its crazy how fast you become attached to them xx

Thanks for taking the time to reply
Im more than happy with 'all hens' as an answer...because i really do want to keep all 3 babies
BUT...does anyone else want to hazard a guess? I am very curious to know if it is possible to tell yet...the info ive read is very conflicting on this.
The Lohmans is just a specific Red Sex Link mix. That means, judging by her color, she is without doubt, a pullet. Your second "Light Sussex" looks to actually be a Red Sex Link cockerel. Your first chick is indeed a Black Australorp and appears to be a pullet as of now, but it's too early to be sure.
The Lohmans is just a specific Red Sex Link mix. That means, judging by her color, she is without doubt, a pullet. Your second "Light Sussex" looks to actually be a Red Sex Link cockerel. Your first chick is indeed a Black Australorp and appears to be a pullet as of now, but it's too early to be sure.

Thank you
I did have doubts regarding the breed of the 'light sussex'. I will have one upset little girl if we do need to rehome 'her baby' if in fact a rooster though
Fingers crossed i will be able to do a 'switch' without her noticing
Thank you
I did have doubts regarding the breed of the 'light sussex'. I will have one upset little girl if we do need to rehome 'her baby' if in fact a rooster though
Fingers crossed i will be able to do a 'switch' without her noticing

I'm sorry! I would wait a bit to be sure that it is in fact a Red Sex Link, although that would make switching it out harder...
I'm sorry! I would wait a bit to be sure that it is in fact a Red Sex Link, although that would make switching it out harder...

I will wait...although im still learning what Red Sex Link actually means? Does this mean it would not be a light sussex as originaly told if this is the case?

My youngest is only 3, & still easily 'tricked'. If need be & we need to rehome her baby we will just aim for a hen with 'similar' colours, rather than same breed.

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