Atypical Salmon Faverolle - Hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2016

This is Domino, almost 6 months. Some of Domino's sisters started out with more dark coloration but have lightened up to regular Salmon look in all but a few feathers.
Thank you! I am very relieved. I've got one to many fellas already and she has been a mystery for a long time!
I think she probably will.

I got 5 Salmon Faverolle chicks (Meyer Hatchery), and only two developed totally normally. In my other two dark Favs, the black increased pretty steadily until they lost it. The darkest chicks have had the hardest time - they've lagged behind in size, had more sneezes, gotten picked on more. Ravioli, the smallest and darkest, ate HUGELY almost continuously as a wee chick but did not grow, only got darker, and only stopped being the smallest when she molted it out. Domino has always had less dark than the other two but is keeping it longer and stagnating on her growth a little more, but she's still healthier than the super dark babies. I've read a little bit from other people about "weird Faverolles", but I wonder if anyone else has noticed this pattern, and I wonder what it will mean for Domino!

My two surviving Faverolles pullets look similar to that. I think mine were from Ideal ( I got them from a feed store)...the coloring is really weird. But you bird is definitely a girl.

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