Am I her mate?


Jun 5, 2016
Central Illinois
I went to pick up my 4.5 or 5-month old Pekin duck this morning, like I always do, and she hunched down, spread her wings very slightly and lifted her tail feathers straight up. I think this means she's picked me as her mate? LOL! What else could it mean?
Just counted weeks on the calendar. I think the girls are 20 weeks. Should I start offering oyster shell? They have a pen that we move around the yard/lawn every week. Have a grower crumble available in the daytime. Have some free range time too. Get lots of greens, peas, corn and some fruit as treats. Think they get enough calcium? Should I start them on a layer feed as soon as I start seeing eggs, or now?

I never knew I would be so excited about duck puberty! LOL!
It's been two weeks. We have had several private heart to heart talks and they listen to every word. Every morning I look for eggs and sadly come up empty. Both girls are lifting tail for me now. Lol. They seem to want a boyfriend really, really bad.

Any tips for getting theses girls to start Laying? I think I probably need a light in their house.I will be so sad if they don't lay before spring. That was the whole point of these ducks. (Well at first, now they are also very beloved pets.)

I am mixing a laying feed 50/50 with their starter crumble. Should I go completely to layer now? Also, I don't think they are eating any oyster shell at all.
Make sure there's plenty of light hours for them (recommended is 14 hours of light a day, I think). You can supplement with lighting in their house for part of the night.
My Runners, a smaller breed, started laying between 16 and 22 weeks. Pekins, then, would begin laying at a later point, probably 20 to 28 weeks or so, I would guess.

And I would start reducing the proportion of starter right away, so that within a week or so they are on all layer, or get them onto grower feed with the free choice oyster shell on the side, and then back to layer when they actually start laying if you are concerned with calcium levels.

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