Parrots eye infection

Take it to the vet. We are not really equipped here to deal with illnesses in parrots. A vet will be able to tell you what to do and to provide medicine that the bird will need. They are very good at hiding illness until it's very advanced so even though it may just seem like an eye injury it could easily be the first external sign of something else, like a respiratory infection. If you don't have an avian vet yet, look here to find one:

Edit: I've just notices that you've had poultry displaying disease symptoms including eye problems and you suspect it might be Newcastle's. Respiratory problems can and do spread from poultry to parrots, so it's quite possible whatever your poultry have you have spread to your parrot. It really needs to go to a vet. If you can't find a certified avian vet, a vet that sees birds will be better than nothing at all.
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