Confirmed coccidiosis through necropsy, now what?


12 Years
Feb 26, 2009
A couple weeks ago 2 of my 14 chickens suddenly died (first was 1 year old, second was 6 weeks old). After the second one died, the whole flock was treated with Corid (2TBS liquid solution/gallon water), and there were no additional deaths--everyone appears to be healthy and happy now. I sent the chick that died off for necropsy and just got the preliminary results back this afternoon--intestinal coccidiosis.

My question is, what do I do to prevent this same thing again? How do I protect my current flock, and what do I have to consider when bringing new chicks in (which I would like to do). Do I need to do a big coop clean out? Sanitize everything? Remove all the litter in the run and replace? They free range in the yard during the day, so I can't sterilize everything they touch. Are new chicks coming in at greater risk now?

Any good info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would add immune boosting things to their water and in the coop. Maybe boil 4 cups of water with 8 cloves of garlic mashed into the water and you could grate some ginger root into it as well. Steep it, then strain it. Put it in their water along with some Apple cider vinegar (Use a good quality brand, like Braggs, brands like Great Value and My essentials are no good) at a ratio of 3 tablespoons to every gallon. Good luck with them and congratulations on a successful treatment!
By now the birds have developed an immunity to the cocci. They can still be detected in the intestinal tract but they no longer pose a health risk. What I try to avoid with naive birds (to cocci where they live) is make so during the first exposure the ground is dry and birds are not stressed. Ideally the incidental consumption of feces during that interval is kept low. Mine loose immunity derived from mother sometime between 2 and 3 weeks. With birds where conditions are not ideal, health issues will last about 2 weeks, If birds start getting droopy wings then I get them up off ground and provide them medicated feed and water. Keep them warm and dry. Put extra effort in providing fresh feed and water thoroughly cleaning equipment each time you check feeders and waterers.
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Thank you!! I am glad to have guessed right about the problem and gotten everyone treated to limit the damage, but I wish I could've done the treatment earlier to save one or both of the ones that died. :( All this happened while I was out of town and a neighbor was watching the chickens, so I had to do the best I could from afar. They also don't know the chickens like I do--can't help but think I might've noticed something was wrong before the first loss and started treatment if I had been there, but maybe not....

I will do my best to keep it clean and dry in there, and to clean out their waterers more often. It is generally pretty good, but I think we did have a lot of rain while I was out of town.

I wonder if medicated chick starter is a good idea for future chicks. I actually just bought some for my remaining young pullets since they ran out of their unmedicated chick starter--I figured it can't hurt, right?

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