quail disease


Sep 23, 2016
i in srilanka and. start quail project in a land. they are 4 week of age.live in a little bit closed environment. i fed them with broiler feed. now a day by day quails are dying. they have unbalanced movement and brown discharge. i didn't dissect them. what can i do? please send be fast answers with this rate whole flock will die within one-half month. if you need further details please inform me.
sorry for late
here is the details.
protein 16%
yes it is medicated- becox 2.5 %
Yes It's the feed you need atleast 26% or higher protein every when they are adults and medicated is only good for when they are sick really. If you can't attain the higher protein they need you'd have to get unmedicated feed the highest you can supplement their protein intake by either giving them scramble eggs or if you can spent beer grain, or incase both those are hard then try a way of collecting bugs for them since bugs are always high in protein.
robdog is right - no medicated feed and they need a higher protein percentage - some people find higher protein in Game Bird feed or some people use Turkey feed if they can't find Game Bird feed... Good luck to your birds!!!! :)

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