Silkies in Winter


11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Bancroft, Ontario
A few months ago we were given a silkie rooster to go along with our other girls, mostly RIR's and sex links. We are in central Ontario and have had a few frozen combs on leghorns over the years but nothing serious. (they have radiant heat on the roost for those minus 30 degree nights)
Just never had any experience with silkies in the cold.....
Should I be giving him to someone with a heated coop or does all that fur work???
I've never provided heat for any of my chickens. I used to have silkies, I currently keep some frizzle. Both are quite hardy if allowed to acclimate. Adding heat can mess that up. We get all our winter weather from Canada, thank you for the -20's and especially the -40 wind chills.
Sorry for the sarcasm. Your rooster should be fine. Moisture and not enough ventilation can cause more troubles than temperature.

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