Breed ID Question - Red Chicks


8 Years
Apr 15, 2016
Middle TN
Can anyone give me a quick "cheat sheet" list of breeds that are red/tan as chicks? I received two similar looking extras in my recent McMurray order - one is supposedly my free "exotic", and I guess the other is a packing peanut. One is a little darker than the other, but I think they are the same breeds. I wasn't able to get very good pictures of them this morning, but I'll include the pictures I do have in case anyone has more specific ideas.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
McMurray Hatchery has a heap of videos on YouTube of their different breeds as chicks. Not sure if they are all on there but there's a lot. Just search for 'McMurray Hatchery'. They could be white laced Cornish.
Thanks. I've been trying to go through the McMurray website, but they only have cartoons/drawings for some breeds. I've looked on some other hatchery websites, too. trying to get an idea.
poor lighting makes it difficult to see them properly

As I noted in my original post, I don't have any good photos yet, which is why I'm not asking anyone to ID them from the photos. Rather, I'm trying to make myself a list of breeds with reddish colored chicks so that I can do my own research. I only included the photos because the first question anyone ever asks on a post like this is for photos. Darned if you do, darned if you don't...

I'm fairly certain at this point, based on the list of breeds that were available at the time my order was shipped, that these are Rhode Island Reds. Time will tell, though. It will be fun to watch them feather out and see if I'm right.
They're one week old now and feathering out quite differently - I'm not sure yet if that's because they are different breeds, or if one is a cockerel and one is a pullet. This is kind of a fun little guessing game.
It may be my imagination, but I swear that the darker one is already turning a bit redder in the comb than all the other chicks. It was so warm today that we actually had to turn off the heat lamps this afternoon to keep the chicks from getting too hot, so I was able to take some photos in natural lighting. The darker chick was much more obliging than the lighter one.

The chicks are a little over three weeks old now. They're growing so fast! Still thinking they're probably RIR/Production Reds, although they're in that oh-so-lovely teenage phase now. Thinking the darker is a pullet and the lighter a cockerel; I'm curious to see whether that turns out to be true. They are definitely not fans of being held and photographed now.

I do think they're production Reds. Not screaming cockerel at this point, but it's still very early to call pullet.

Thanks! It would be nice if they were both pullets, since I'm very confident that I have at least 1 (maybe 2) Welsummer cockerel and 1 Easter Egger cockerel. I'm not looking forward to having to sell/give away/butcher that many.

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