Milking Goat Owners, Please Read!


In the Brooder
Oct 5, 2016
Hello. I'm really REALLY wanting my parents to get some goats, we're trying to solve all the problems. If you can help, it would mean So much!

Ok: we read online that if you keep a Buck and a Doe together, the milk smells "GOATY"? ok, what does That even taste like? does it taste bad?.... We where going to get 1 (fairly large) Goat cage, and get 1 doe and 1 buck. well if it does taste bad.. what do we do? We have a Big backyard, Grass by the house, then about 50/60 feet back, it turns to woods. it's All fenced in because we have a German shepherd beagle mix ( he's extremely adorable by the way ) that has free range over... everywhere. But my point is, We have a lot of land, but not tons we're willing to give up to keep the goats in. We are planning on just keeping them in the cage at night, or when we go on vacations. So, here are my:
1-Can we keep does and bucks together? and, just having a fence between them Do anything for the milk Smell?
2-What would we do if the "goaty" taste Is bad, and we have to keep them separated? how far do they have to be from each-other for the Milk to smell? and, is it insane to do this? Is it, Buy 2 Does, and 2 bucks, keep them separated unless breeding? is this gonna work out? i Do NOT want 2 lonely goats!!!!!
You do not want a buck. They are really hard to keep penned up and can be rough, even dangerous, if you are not familiar with how to handle them. Especially just starting out you do not want a buck. What you need to do is find someone nearby that has a buck and make arrangements to take the doe to the buck once a year for breeding.

Dad had a milk goat for a while when I was a kid, but that did not last long. We used to get goat milk form a neighbor that kept four does together with her sheep and penned the buck in a separate area with electric fencing. She had a lot of trouble keeping that buck in his pen, even with electric fencing. And she had small kids. She eventually got rid of her buck and just took her does to someone that had a buck for breeding purposes.

You do not need one buck for each doe. One buck can service many does, just like one rooster can fertilize the eggs from many hens. It is totally not economical to feed and house a buck if you don’t need to. Maybe once you build your doe herd up to a reasonable size, you gain experience handling goats, and you build your facilities up you can consider getting a buck but right now don’t even consider it.
Ok Thanks! The only reason i said we might get 2 bucks is, If we're keeping them far from the does, we don't want them getting lonely. and, We thought that we Might, go to someone with a buck to breed our doe, but Doesn't it coast around $75? we figured buying a goat for $75 and letting people's does breed with it, as well as ours, would make lots of money to pay for Hay, and help out with bills. we're also going to sell the "kids" and if we get too much milk, possibly selling milk. Do you have anymore suggestions???
Oh, one more thing, you talked about when we get a large herd we might Then consider getting a buck, but we're getting 3 does at The MOST. Like i said, we don't have tons of land we're willing to give up as far as containment goes. they'd be out of there cage a lot. if we had a bunch of goats, we'd need a Big containment area and we'd have more trouble keeping up with them. also they'd eat a lot of the natural things in the yard, so it would go by faster, We are thinking, natural food, with Hay for a backup in the winter, and once a day some pellets, Ur opinions? Thanks so much Again!
If you are milking your goats, they are going to need good hay and grain. The more wild forage they have access to and like, the less hay they will eat. If milking goats do not get enough feed to support milk production, the good milkers will rob their bodies to make up the difference between what they need and what they have.

Since you're just starting out with goats, go with two does. You're not going to get a quality buck other folks will want to breed to for $75, and you're not really going to make money off a buck right from the start. Go with does for a year or so, see how you actually like having goats in reality vs on paper.

Intact male livestock is a big step. Were you to jump into a buck, I'm pretty sure not too far down the road, you'd be thrilled to pay someone a reasonable breeding fee to not have to deal with the hassle of your buck.
Alright, for some reason i cannot just edit, so i'll reply to my own thread........
Wanted to give an update incase anyone gets on here and wonders why i never said anything, maybe think "Did she give up and live a normal goat-free life?"........................... Nope :3
I got two pygmy bucks in october, (2016), and watched them be banded. Nice learning experience. (Take note: don't hold a goat close to your face when he's just been banded!).
It is now April, and are very used to having goats, and before the end of summer, will get a ND doe in milk. I'll be going to a farm to breed her once a year, sell the kids after a month if their already eating Hay/Grain. I have high hopes they might start eating sooner because our grain we buy is Purina Sweet Feed. They get addicted. +sudden energy boost after eating. Maybe i should check the ingredients for marijuana

Thanks for everyones help!
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