

In the Brooder
Aug 14, 2016
I got some bobwhites starting to peck each other in heads any advice I keep throwing feed on ground to redirect pecking instincts but any ideas are welcome
They are molting could they possibly be that way because they are molting
Either that or they are pecking mites off from each other.have you checked them for mites?They are easy to dust just give them a pan of sand and sprinkle sevin dust on the sand and they will dust themselves.
In N.H.,Tony.
Never had bobwhites but yeah could be them test pecking at feather shafts or maybe they have bugs hmm! :eek:

I can vouch for using diatomaceous earth (mine was actually mixed with a bit of clay from home hardware huge bag real cheap) to get rid of bird mites and feather lice without chemicals as the tiny (but safe to ingest, mine was actually a feed additive to keep feed dry [poultry, equine etc.]and it's been known to help things like dogs and horses with internal parasites) bits of fossilized diatoms slash the exoskeletons of insects and they dry out and die! :p

I just added it to the sand as @Tony K T suggested and the quail fixed themselves :)
Will garlic work I heard it does I don't want to use seven dust or diatomaceous earth I don't like the idea chemicals
hi i have some mexican bobwhites in the incubator at the moment.
Diatom is really the best to get rid of mites and other creepy crawlies, i use it for my chickens.
totally natural no chemicals.

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