

Jan 16, 2016
I want a rooster. Are certain breeds more aggressive than other breeds. Does it make a distance if they are handled or not. I've only had a "wild" one a.d he would run when I come in coop. I want a Wyandotte rooster. What are they like?
Individual cocks of any breed can be nice, or 'naughty'. There is a better chance of getting 'nice' in some breeds, as Salmon Favorelles, and 'naughty' in production reds. Beyond that, raising cockerels to respect your space is very important! Either get a cock bird who's proven to be a good boy, or raise a group and pick the best one after maturity. I've had a cockerel who started attacking me at eight weeks of age, and cocks who got ugly at one year. Just be ready to cut your losses, and not keep a bird who's dangerous. Mary
Barred Rock and Buff Orpington roosters I've heard to be good. Of course as Mary stated above, each rooster is different. There are many threads on here that teach you how to "tame" a rooster.
I had 6 roosters from the hatch. Culled when they began getting aggressive and large enough. Kept one. The one i kept is a whimp. He gets bossed around by a couple of my hns even. All mine are a RIR and amerucana mix.
If You do not need a Rooster? Do not get one...I had two mean Roosters that attacked me..The one was at me no matter what I was doing in the yard...No Roosters this year..Plus my hens look great...My two EE Hens protect my other hens..Totally your choice though...Any breed can have a good Rooster...I have never had one....

Some good advice in this thread. My limited experience shows no real distinction between breed. A bad rooster is a bad rooster is a bad rooster. They might display that brattiness at 8 weeks or they might suddenly snap at 18 months. The one factor that I feel best mitigates the risk of getting a bad rooster in the flock is how he was raised.

I find that cockerels raised with only same-age hatchmates tend to be pompous bullies best suited to the crock-pot.. However, that same cockerel being raised in a flock with some old, cantankerous, battle-axe hens that have been around the block a few times stands a MUCH better chance of growing into a pleasant, well-mannered asset to the flock. The reason? Those old biddies will take any and every opportunity to smack some manners into that boy while he is young and impressionable. He'll still likely be a tyrant to his pullet hatchmates, but he might also learn some respect for order and authority until such time as he is the flock authority under your supervision.

In the nature vs nurture debate, I think nurture wins hands-down for the best possibility of raising a good rooster.

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