Granny's gone and done it again

Find me some eggs !!!
Pretty sure that would be illegal. State bird for CA. We did hatch out a nest of 12 eggs when I was a kid. Nest was in the manure pile (nice and warm from composting) and it got destroyed by the tractor. Mom babied those eggs, and they hatched in a few days. All twelve chicks could easily fit under your hand... they were like big bumble bees. They ended up staying around on the farm. Mom used to toss out seed for them. Over 80 in one covey for a few years.

so the horse, seems like an amish man just got it last night and it took off from 600 south . I am on 800 south 2 miles as the crow flys. Its a draft horse and they still havent caught it.
Horse is smarter than they think.

Horse prob said, hell no, I don’t want to be worked to death.
What kind of bator do you have now. Mine is a reptile pro ( crappy)

These are the two I have atm
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I plan to get one of these soon


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