URGENT roost 2x4s

Side note here relative to roosting bars in an outside run in addition to in-house roosts.
I have found that if outside roosts are placed higher, the birds are likely to choose the higher elevation to roost overnight and not go in the hen house. Keep any outside roosts at same or lower to avoid outside roosting overnight.

Relative to frostbite. If a flat 2x will give you peace of mind for the first winter, do it. Consider a construction method that can change as needed. If a better option is desired, you are not committed for all eternity.
For using 2x4s for our roosts.
When it comes to the roost topic on this form the opinions will be all over the map. Read them over weigh them in your own mind and go with what YOU think is best in your personal situation. I am sure your birds will do just fine inspite of all our expert advise.

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I love this topic. It's nice to see what everyone does differently. I like to use either tree branches [I like the natural look so! BONUS] or 2"x2" as they're only like $1.20 for 10ft. I'm inclined to lean toward smaller diameter roost bars [but not too small] as they're more ergonomically for the birds. I'd imagine it's uncomfortable for a bird to sleep all night with their feet on a flat surface when they're designed to grip on a perch/roost.

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