Are d'uccles, modern game bantams, brahma bantams, and sultan bantams friendly breeds?

Friendly? To people or other chickens?
Modern games tend to be aggressive.

Your first consideration should be climate. Some of those are cold hardy others are not.
Feather footed breeds aren't suited for foul weather and modern games aren't feathered for cold.
From what I've seen, they all make good pets. If you want pets that deliver, go with the brahmas. Brahmas are also the most common of those four breeds, so they will be the cheapest. In my experience, Easter eggers are SUPER friendly. Them and the brahmas are total lap chickens. Old English Game bantams are great pets too. They are super easy to tame, even if they aren't hand raised. OEGB's also come in 30+ color varieties.
I got my D'Uccles and EE bantams as my first chickens because of their reputation for being so sweet; they have yet to disappoint. The D'Uccles are even sweeter and more personable than my EE's imo, even my DUccle roo Tyson Chicken lets me pet him!

General rule of thumb: feather footed birds are more docile, friendly and make better pets.

I wouldn't go with the modern games. They're not so much pets, not fantastic layers and no meat. If you want broody momma hens, they may be right up your alley. But I wouldn't count on getting to handle the chicks much.

the other breeds you mentioned are all nice friendly, pet type birds. Again, not the greatest layers, but they'll give you a decent amount of eggs. Plus, they're all pretty!

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