Ameracauna chicks and mature chickens

Pips & peeps, Jean. Thank you so much for your help. Guess I can put all my EE'ers back together. Kinda think the Hatcheries should post their chicks accurately and not mislead the customer. Your birds are beautiful. You have worked hard at it, I can tell. I appreciate your knowledge.

Ok, forgot your screen name, but I do remember you..Gerau....
You are the one with the Araucana's. You too have worked hard at sorting all of this out. I bought eggs from you in 2008, no hatch, my broody girls got off the nest, bummer. Gota try again later.

I hope to purchase eggs from both of you in 2009, I have to learn about my incubator first and practicing on my own eggs so far.

Oh well, my Ameraucana muts- Easter eggers have nice color, we shall see what they lay.

Yea, I know, It looks like I have roosters. I have never been able to tell with this breed, which is why I have four EE Roosters. UG.. I purchased hens, but I know 90% accuracy is the guarantee.
One day, I will have all three.....UG.

I made a page in my club pages for Araucana, but I used show birds off the web which is probably a bad thing, but I hope I got the information correct. Ameraucana is more confusing because they resemble the Easter Egger more closely.

Ok, all Hatchery Ameraucanas, or Araucana/Ameraucana's are truely EE or Easter Eggers. Regardless of leg colors, and feet colors.

Thanks again...time to change my coupe stuff to show Easter Egger and move in the other three birds that I seperated due to egg color.
I love this topic. I own easter eggers 3 hens and a rooster. They all lay a light green almost blue egg and have slate legs unlike my last ones that had green. Anyone know the chance that offspring will lay a green egg? I am figuring there must be many many genes for egg color and of course I don't know what the Roo carries for egg color!!! This is my first rooster in a very long time and I hope to get someone to hatch some of the eggs. (I got him for the sound not for breeding per say) So am I looking at hundreds of different combinations, or 50 or what?? Guess I should look up the biology of chickens. I would love to own some Ameraucaunas (?) some day. The info is great, but I really enjoy the EEs.
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The first "Arucaunas" I ever saw were a trio of bantams 35 years ago,they were each a different color and not all layed blue eggs! Now days we have to be so politically correct! I still raise 'arucanas" and decied to list them on my signature as "Americannas" because I know some people now have birds from South America that are rumpless and have dangling ear tuffs. These are the true "Arucanas". So I think I'll just start calling mine Easter Eggers and let it go at that. They are what I liked about the breed to start with 35 years ago. They can be any color and lay shades of blue,green,tan,dark brown, red,pink.They are unique because they are all so different and I love them.Long LIVE THE EE"S!
Some one stated they checked every order of chicks at the feed store and only found E E's not Amreicaunas,thats when they lost their creditabilty! no one can tell which a chick is unless they are doing dna testing!

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