Do Black Sex Link Lay BIG Eggs?


11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Mountain Home, AR
I am going to be getting some black sex links. I already have the rsl and am wondering how they compare as far as the size of egg. My rsl lay a huge egg.

Anyone know?


Yes, the BSLs lay nice size eggs. Mine fill up the "xtra large" egg cartons. We have 18 right now and they all lay almost every day.

Now that my Barred Rocks are laying, I'm planning on hatching out more BSLs just as soon as I get my breeding pens built.
Your barred rock hasn't been laying as long as the BSL, either, Dena.

My BSL's eggs are around 50 grams now (1.7oz). She lays nearly daily. Such a good girl! She has laid 17 eggs so far.

My BR & RIR haven't started laying yet (MOOCHERS!!).
80% of the time my RSL lays eggs that are just as big as the RIR. However my RIR lays Super Jumbo eggs once in a while, I mean I've never seen chicken eggs that big, EVER! Maybe she thinks she is a turkey?
Without fail.

Actually from her I got atleast large size and double yolker's every day nearly all summer, as fall came they became regularly only large size and single yolkes though. Will see what happens in the spring.

I don't recall any double yolker's from my other two though.

Never had a fart egg myself either(you mean one's without yolkes right?).

This is my first year/flock. I got my other two at the local feed store's along with a roo (who went to freezer camp the day I realized it), so I picked up the RIR from a nearby BYC member selling off some of his extra flock. He had bought 50, from McMurry I believe.

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